Vaughn (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)

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Vaughn's Photo
Vaughn's Photo
Japanese Name: ヴァルツ (Varutsu)
Birthday: Spring 3
Family: Unknown. He may be related to Masell and Julia.
Favorite Gift:
Rival: Sabrina


An enigmatic animal transporter and dealer. Says very little, and never stays in one place for long.

Vaughn (ヴァルツ) A trader in exotic animals. He's cool, doesn't like to be bothered, and likes to be alone. He likes to save up his money.

Avatar Gallery

Everyday Everyday Happy Blushing Angry Sad Nervous

Spoiler Below - Wedding Portrait


Arrival on Island

Around Spring 16 on year 1

Events and Requirements

Heart Events

Purple Heart: Lone Wolf

  • Japanese: (一匹狼)
  • To Trigger: Enter town ward 2 in the morning, on a sunny or cloudy Wednesday or Thursday.
  • Answer Correctly:
  • Answer Incorrectly:
  • Description: Vaughn is wandering around. You watch him for a little while, until he finally notices you and asks what you're doing. He doesn't want to be bothered, since he lost something and is looking for it. Danny then walks up and asks what's going on. But Valuts rudely tells him that it's not his business. Danny apologizes and leaves. Valuts notices that you're still there and asks you why. Tell him you'll help him search (一緒に探してあげるよ). Valuts tells you that he lost a little box containing things he needs for work. You search for in near the road, and find it. Valuts thanks you for finding it, though, of course, if it had been left up to himself, he would have found it anyway! Valuts says goodbye to you, then leaves.

Blue Heart 1: Vaughn's Problem

  • Japanese: (ヴァルツの悩み)
  • To Trigger: Enter the beach at around 9AM on Wednesday or Thursday morning. Cloudy or sunny day.
  • Answer Correctly:
  • Answer Incorrectly:
  • Description:

Blue Heart 2:

  • Japanese:
  • To Trigger:
  • Answer Correctly:
  • Answer Incorrectly:
  • Description:

Yellow Heart 1: Troubled Vaughn

  • Japanese: (お困りヴァルツ)
  • To Trigger: Go down from the mountain into the forest on a clear or cloudy Wednesday or Thursday, when Valuts is in the woods.
  • Answer Correctly:
  • Answer Incorrectly:
  • Description:

Yellow Heart 2:

  • Japanese:
  • To Trigger:
  • Answer Correctly:
  • Answer Incorrectly:
  • Description:

Yellow Heart 3:

  • Japanese:
  • To Trigger:
  • Answer Correctly:
  • Answer Incorrectly:
  • Description:

Yellow Heart 4:

  • Japanese:
  • To Trigger:
  • Effect:
  • Description:

Orange Heart:

  • Japanese:
  • To Trigger:
  • Effect:
  • Description:

Red Heart

  • Description: Once you've met all the marriage requirements, give him the Blue Feather.

Rival Events

Event 1: The Beginning

  • Japanese:(はじまり)
  • To Trigger: Enter town ward 2 at about 5PM on Wednesday or Thursday. The weather must be sunny or cloudy. You must have a decent friendship (1~2 FP) with one of them (the one not available to your character) and the one who is available to you must not be above a purple heart.
  • Description: Vaughn spots Sabrina wandering around outside her house, and stops to ask her what's wrong. Sabrina says she's in a bit of a bad mood, or not feeling well, and evidently not willing to enter her house, even though it's just a few feet from where they're standing. Vaughn offers to take her into her house. Sabrina says that's not necessary, but Vaughn reminds her that the outside can be a dangerous place. What if something happens to her? Besides, her house is right there. Sabrina gives in and allows Vaughn to take her home. Once inside, she thanks him for helping her and says she's feeling better. Vaughn doesn't want her thanks and tells her to be more careful from then on. Even so, just as Vaughn starts to leave, Sabrina again tells him that she's thankful. A little annoyed black bubble appears over Vaughn's head, and he leaves.

Event 2: And Then...

  • Japanese: (それから・・・)
  • To Trigger: You must be at least to year 2. Enter the beach during the daytime, on a sunny or cloudy day. Naturally, it must be on a Wednesday or Thursday, and probably when both Sabrina and Vaughn are at the beach. You must have a decent friendship (2~3 FP) with one of them (the one not available to your character) and the one who is available to you must not be above a blue heart.
  • Description: Sabrina sees Vaughn at the beach, and goes to say hello to him. Vaughn coolly asks her if she needs his help to return home again. Sabrina again thanks him for what he did and says she's sorry that she worried him. Vaughn insists that he wasn't worried about her, he just thinks would have been dangerous and a bother for others if he'd left Sabrina to fend for herself. Sabrina thinks that Vaughn is a very kind person to be thinking that way! Shocked, Vaughn blushes and asks Sabrina why she would say something like that. Sabrina says that she can tell that he's really a nice guy. Utterly confused, Vaughn tells Sabrina that she's a very odd person. Sabrina giggles and excuses herself, saying that she'd like to talk with Vaughn again sometime soon!

Event 3: Property Purposes...?

  • Japanese: (資産目当て・・・?)
  • To Trigger: Enter Regis's house on a Wednesday or Thursday (Year 3 or beyond) at a time when both Regis and Sabrina are inside. You must have a decent friendship (2~5+ FP) with one of them (the one not available to your character) and the one who is available to you must not be above a green or yellow heart.
  • Description: Regis has asked Vaughn to come and talk to him, so Vaughn asks him what he wants. Regis gets right to the point: he's noticed that Vaughn is good friends with Sabrina. What does that have to do with anything? Vaughn wants to know. Regis accuses Vaughn of befriending Sabrina merely so that he can someday inherit Regis's fortune. He tells Vaughn that he doesn't want to see him with his daughter ever again! Shocked, Sabrina demands to know if that's the only reason her father wanted Vaughn to come. She wasn't expecting Regis to be so rude! Regis, however, tells her to hush up. But Sabrina continues, telling her father that Vaughn isn't that kind of person, and that he shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. Regis then asks Vaughn if he has any money problems? Vaughn says that he thinks money is more important than anything else, and he isn't with Sabrina just so he can get Regis's money. ...However, Vaughn is very offended by Regis's treatment of him, and tells him that if it will satisfy him, he'll never talk to Sabrina again. Sabrina is upset, but Regis agrees with Vaughn, and then orders Vaughn out of his house. Sabrina silently and sadly watches him leave.

Event 4: Once Again

  • Japanese: (もう一度)
  • To Trigger: In Year 4 or beyond, on a sunny/cloudy Thursday enter the woods from either town ward 1 or the mountain (Marie got it by exiting the mountain, but it might be possible the other way). Vaughn must be in the forest. you must have a decent friendship (2~5+ FP) with one of them (the one not available to your character) and the one who is available to you must not be above a green or yellow heart.
  • Description: Vaughn meets up with Sabrina in the forest, and after commenting that it's been a long time since they last spoke, he asks if he can talk to her. Sabrina hesitates, but says he can talk to her. Vaughn says that even though he's barely talked with Sabrina since that incident at her house, he's been worried about her, about what she would do if she is unable to go home again, or something like that. Before he knew it, Sabrina was always on his mind, whether he liked it or not. He doesn't know what to do. Sabrina admits that she feels the same way! She swore to herself that she'd never talk to him again, but she's unbearably lonely without him. Vaughn is still hurt that her father thought he was interested in Sabrina because of the money he would inherit someday... Sabrina knows that's not the case, and suggests that they go and talk to Regis once again. Vaughn agrees, and they leave together.

Regis must give him their blessing, because about one week later, depending on festivals and the weather, Vaughn and Sabrina will be married.

After Marriage Event 1: Sabrina's Accident?

  • Japanese: (セフィーナの異変?)
  • To Trigger: About a month after Vaughn and Sabrina's wedding, enter Regis's house at a time when all three are there.
  • Description: Vaughn has called Dr. Trent to come and take a look at Sabrina. She hasn't been feeling well lately, and Vaughn and Regis are both worried about her. Regis demands an answer this instant! The doctor tells them there's nothing to worry about. She's not ill, she's pregnant! Sabrina's surprised but relieved to finally know what's wrong with her, and Vaughn says he wasn't expecting to be so happy at finding out that their family will soon have a new member! Sabrina blushes and turns to him, telling him that she's very happy to hear him say that. Regis, too, is happy for them, telling Sabrina that it's fitting that she's about to become a mother, since she looks so much like her own mother. The doctor then suggests that Sabrina go to the clinic in town when it comes close to the time for her to have the baby, since she can get much better care in town than on the island. Sabrina and Vaughn both agree to that, and the doctor promises to come and pick her up when her time is near.

After Marriage Event 2: See You Later, Sabrina

  • Japanese: (いってらっしゃいセフィーナ)
  • To Trigger: Happens automatically when you wake up in the morning about 2 seasons after you get the "Sabrina's Accident?" event.
  • Description: Vaughn comes by your house to tell you that Sabrina is leaving to go to the hospital in town today. She's due to have the baby any time now. Won't you go to the beach to see her off? You automatically agree and go to the beach, where Dr. Trent, Sabrina, and Regis are waiting. Regis tells Sabrina that if there are any problems, she should contact him right away. Sabrina assures him that she'll be fine. After all, Dr. Trent will be looking after both her and the baby. Sabrina then turns to Vaughn and tells him that he ought to use this time to get to know Regis a little better. (The two of them don't get along very well.) An ellipsis appears over Regis's head, but he doesn't protest. Vaughn tells Sabrina that she doesn't need to worry about anything back home while she's gone. She's got enough to deal with already! The doctor then says it's time to leave, and Sabrina thanks everyone for coming to see her off. A few moments later, Vaughn decides that he wants to go, too. Regis scolds him for making such a sudden decision, but agrees that it would be best if Vaughn is by his wife's side. Besides, he wasn't exactly looking forward to being alone with Vaughn. So Vaughn hurries to get on the boat. After this event, you won't be able to talk to Vaughn and Sabrina again for a while.

After Marriage Event 3: Welcome Back, Vaughn & Sabrina!

  • Japanese: (おかえりヴァルツ&セフィーナ)
  • To Trigger: Happens automatically a season after Vaughn and Sabrina leave.
  • Description: Vaughn comes by your house to tell you that he and Sabrina are back. Sabrina safely gave birth, and since her health has returned, they're back along with their new child. After this event, their daughter, Emma, will always be in Regis's house, wandering around near Sabrina's bed. Emma is a shy and cautious little girl who takes after both her parents, though she seems most fond of her father.

Dialogue and Scripts

Everyday Dialogue



He comes only on Wednesdays and Thursdays. In the morning, he can be found in Masell's shop. At other times, he will be wandering around in back of Massel's shop, over near the cafe and diner, and sometimes will also be inside the diner.


Likes: Milk, eggs, chocolate, fodder

Dislikes: Herbs, flowers


