Creating Pages

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While we have a lot of pages on the wiki already, there's times we may have missed a character or place. Once you've verified that there's no other page for this, follow the below directions to name a new page.

This tutorial covers the follow:

  • Creating a New Page [1]

Identify the Category

The main part of creating a new page on this wiki is making sure it ends up connected to the right categories [2].

To find out what main category you are in, check the URL. For example, we'll be using a page from Harvest Moon: 64.

The main page for Harvest Moon 64 is the following:
Category:Harvest_Moon:_64 is the category. 

You can also look at other pages in this category to get an idea how to format your new page. For instance, let's look at

The category is listed after the name of the character in ellipses. Ann has been in several other games in the series, and this helps us identify which Ann we're covering within the page. 

Starting the Page

In your URL bar, delete anything after /wiki/. Then type in the new page. becomes

Click search or press enter. This will lead you to the following:

There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or create this page. 

Click on create this page. Voila! You're in the new page.

Remember that category we found earlier? Before entering anything, you will want to add the following:

This allows this particular page to link back to the main category.


  1. MediaWiki Starting a New Page Help Tutorial
  2. MediaWiki Categories Help Tutorial